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Each player has a deck of cards, each with a different cat on them. Each cat has a different strength, health, and special attack. The first person to play will pull a card of their choice from their pile. They may use their regular attack or their special attack, but you can only use your special attack ONCE per card. Once chosen, read the effects under the title either 'regular' or 'special' attack.

The effects on the opponent are listed under the red cat. For example, written on this card under 'regular attack' is a red cat symbol, followed by '-' then a number. That number is the amount of health points taken away from the opponent. Next, llisted under the green cat is a number and a symbol. The number is how much strength is taken away from you, as shown by the paw.

© 2016 by people. Copyright strictly enforced by the copyright monster. The warrriors saga, quotations from the saga, and all its characters belong to Erin Hunter and Harpercollins inc. 

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